Royal Indian Groceries

Indian Groceries near Edwardstown


Indian Grocery Store Edwardstown

If you live in nearby Edwardstown SA, and are looking for the best Indian grocery store in the area, then take the short drive to Royal Indian Groceries, located at 489 Marion Road, South Plympton SA 5038. It’s well worth the short drive as you’ll find we have the lowest prices on Indian and exotic groceries, as well as the best fruit and vegetables in the local area.

Browse our store and indulge in the exotic and spicy aromas synonymous with Indian cuisine. We even stock a great selection of food from Fiji, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Indian Groceries for the Best Prices

It is the goal of our store to deliver the highest quality, authentic Indian food, but for the very best prices in town. We want you to save on your grocery bill without skimping on quality. Our range of Indian and exotic foods, spices and rices is unprecedented in the area, and it’s well worth your time to visit our store and browse what’s on offer.  We have something for everyone.

Gas Cooktop Bread Toaster

Perfect for cooking delicious Naan Bread, in our store you’ll find we stock a range of fantastic gas cooktop bread toasters. Naan Bread makes the perfect accompaniment for your mouth-watering Indian dishes. Soak up those succulent and juicy spices with bread cooked on your very own toaster.

Our Services

  • The fastest, most efficient service 
  • Highest standard of quality & service
  • The friendliest team you will meet
  • Prices that can’t be beaten
  • Monday to Friday 10:00am– 8:00pm
  • Saturday to Sunday 9:00am–8:00pm
Buy Your Spice In Bulk

The best way to save money at our store is to buy your spices in bulk. You’ll discover we have an awesome range of authentic Indian spices. There is plenty to choose from, so you’ll never be short of just the right spices for your dinner. If you need some fresh cooking ideas, just ask our friendly staff and we’ll happily recommend the right spices for you.

Royal Indian Groceries At Your Service

To give our valued customers absolute convenience, our store is open 7 days a week. The postcode area of 5039 for Edwardstown is only a stone’s throw away, so take the short drive to Royal Indian Groceries, stock up on your supplies of quality Indian food, rice and spices and overload your senses. The colours and aromas of India await.

  • Authentic Indian groceries
  • The freshest fruit & vegetables
  • Delicious and aromatic spices
  • Curries
  • Rices for all occasions
  • Masala Oats
  • Kolhapuri Jaggery
  • Delicious food from Fiji, Sri Lanka and Pakistan,
  • We even stock religious icons
  • And so much more…