“Earth Diggers

Earthmoving in Burnside

  • Are you looking at having a certain part of your residential home or commercial business changed?
  • Do you need the ground to be levelled out?
  • Do you want a company with the best experience and customer service?
  • Earth Diggers specialise in Dingo and Bobcat equipment and home excavations.
  • Want to discuss your requirements?
  • Full police clearance

If so, then complete the form to get in touch!


Our Services

Do you have a large or small area at your home, business or building that needs to be prepped and excavated for further construction? Then you will need a team that can handle the job. At Earth Diggers, we have the skills and equipment to ensure that any type of soil and dirt digging or moving that needs to be done will be done to the highest standard. There is no job too big or too small for us to handle and can help you with other options such as trenching and post holes, concrete cutting, and retaining walls and a wide variety more.

If you reside in Burnside (5066) and need a professional team to help you with your levelling work, then call us today and speak with our amazing team about your needs and we will be able to provide you with a quote before you get started.

Police Clearance with DECS

National Police Clearance

Landscape Preparation

Machine Hire

Levelling Service

Great Prices

Landscape Preparation

Are you in the midst of preparing your home, business or building for a new landscaping job? Do you not want to have to go to all the effort of preparing the ground yourself? Then Earth Diggers can make the process a whole lot easier. We will provide you with our team and equipment to level, move, clean and prepare any dirt and soil that you need levelled or moved in order to start your project. Our team are fully qualified and will use the most advanced equipment ot make sure the ground is the straightest and smoothest it can possibly be.

Equipment We Use

When it comes to undertaking the landscape, digging and levelling jobs on your premises, we make sure to use the industries best equipment and machinery to ensure the job is done perfectly, and with the greatest presision. All of our equipment is 100% Australain made and can handle any job no matter how big or how small. If you would like to know more about any of our machines that we use, call us today and have a chat with our amazing staff. Below is a list of the equipment that we use on a daily basis.

843 Bobcat 1.7 wide bucket +4 in one bucket

Auger drive with 150mm,300mm, 450mm, 600mm which can reach a depth of 2.5 metres

K9-4 Dingo Auger Drive +Augers 150mm, 300mm, 450mm, 600mm

Endless chain Trencher

Sand spreader

Excavator arm + 300mm bucket and Rippers

Concrete sleeper lifter

Laser level

Hino 8 Tonne Tipper

Other Services We Offer

Do you need a bit more from your ground excavation work? Then we are proud to say that we can offer you a range of services to help you. As well as levelling and digging, we can also provide a laser level service which ensures that any ground you want to build upon will be straight and smooth. We also offer a trench and post hole digging services which we dig and prepare the ground for the installation of storm drains and posts for fences or any type of structure. Call us today and talk with our team about our large range of services. project

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