“Earth Diggers

Earthmoving in Campbelltown

  • Are you looking at having a certain part of your residential home or commercial business changed?
  • Do you need the ground to be levelled out?
  • Do you want a company with the best experience and customer service?
  • Earth Diggers specialise in Dingo and Bobcat equipment and home excavations.
  • Want to discuss your requirements?
  • Full police clearance

If so, then complete the form to get in touch!


Our Services

Looking at having part of your home or business changed? Do you need a team of professionals that can have the earth moving aspect done for you in the quickest possible time? Then we here at Earth Diggers have the solution for you. We have worked on thousands of homes, shops, business and government building in Campbelltown (5074) and can have any type of soil removed, levelled and cleaned up so it won’t even seem like anybody was there. We want to set a new industry standard and believe that you won’t find a more reliable and competitively priced service anywhere else.

Call us today and speak with our amazing team about your excavation needs, and we will be able to provide you with a quote before you get started.

Police Clearance with DECS

National Police Clearance.

Landscape Preparation

Machine Hire

Levelling Service

Great Prices

Landscape Preparation

Do you own a residential home or commercial business that you want to re landscape? The first step in this process is to have the ground work completed, and this can be an expensive and long process if you don’t choose the right team. At Earth Diggers, we have the experience and passion to ensure that any ground work that needs to be done at your property, will be completed to the highest standard, and on time! We stock and use a large array of equipment to dig level and smooth any soil you may have to prepare it for landscaping or any other projects.

Equipment We Use

The equipment that we use in all of our digging, landscaping, levilling and renovation style work is the best in the industry. We have sourced the best machines and equipment from around the country to ensure that no matter what type of job you need us to do, we have the machinery that can handle it. If you would like to know more about any of our equipment or machinery that we use, call us today and have a chat to one of our friendly staff. Listed below is a selection of the best equipment that we use.

843 Bobcat 1.7 wide bucket +4 in one bucket

Auger drive with 150mm,300mm, 450mm, 600mm which can reach a depth of 2.5 metres

K9-4 Dingo Auger Drive +Augers 150mm, 300mm, 450mm, 600mm

Endless chain Trencher

Sand spreader

Excavator arm + 300mm bucket and Rippers

Concrete sleeper lifter

Laser level

Hino 8 Tonne Tipper

Other Services We Offer

We want to offer all of our customers the best service possible, which begins with us offering much more than just an excavating service. We can also come to your property, business, work site and offer a laser levelling option which will ensure that and land will be at the exact level and specifications you need it to be before you start work. We can also undertake and trench and post hole jobs for storm drains and fences. This can be done as part of our earth moving service, or as a standalone option if you have already had the soil prepared.

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